The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Ye be surprised to hear that them Same-Session PCI Rates be higher than expected!


In a vast treasure trove o' knowledge, over three-quarters o' sturdy patients had a swashbucklin' percutaneous coronary intervention wi' the mighty index catheterization, mayhap without a word from a heart team. Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, arrr, me hearties! It seems that in a vast treasure trove of information, over three-quarters of hearty patients arrr, those with steady conditions, had percutaneous coronary intervention, or PCI, performed during their first catheterization. And what makes this even more interestin', me mateys, is that this procedure may have been done without any contribution from a heart team, aye!
Now, ye might be wonderin' what this percutaneous coronary intervention be. Well, it be a fancy term for fixin' blockages in the ol' heart's blood vessels, me buckos. It be done by insertin' a tiny tube called a catheter into the vessels and clearin' the blockage, allowin' the blood to flow freely once more.
Arrr, but here be the real surprise, me lads and lasses! This study suggests that these procedures be done without any consultation or collaboration with a heart team. Now, ye might be thinkin', what be a heart team, ye scurvy dogs? Well, it be a group of experts, includin' cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and other medical professionals who work together to make decisions about the best course of treatment for poor souls with heart problems.
But it seems that in this study, many patients be gettin' their hearts fixed without the input of these experienced heart experts. It be like sailin' the treacherous seas without a map or a compass, me hearties! Arrr, can ye imagine?
So, me fellow pirates, it be quite a curious findin'. While this study be showin' that most stable patients be gettin' their coronary blockages fixed durin' their first catheterization, it also be raisin' questions about whether these decisions be made wisely, without the guidance of a heart team. It be a conundrum, me mateys, and one that be needin' further investigation, arrr!

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