The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, matey! Finerenone be makin' waves, savin' hearts from Davy Jones’ locker! Avast, what a treasure!


Arrr, matey! It be lookin’ like the stormy seas of heart failure be calm’in down, with fewer shipwrecks in sight! The final word from the FINEARTS-HF trial be awaited like treasure on the horizon! Avast, let’s keep our spyglasses trained!

Ahoy me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale of preserved heart failure, where the news be sweeter than a chest o' doubloons! Aye, the topline numbers be showin' a grand reduction in those pesky major events that plague our hearty mates. It be like keepin' the scallywags at bay whilst sailin' the tumultuous seas!

Now, the fine lads and lasses of the FINEARTS-HF trial be waitin' with bated breath, like a crew awaitin' the return of their captain from a long voyage. The final results be on the horizon, and we be hopin' they bring tidings as joyous as findin' a treasure map! With each tick of the clock, the anticipation be growin' thicker than a fog on a moonless night.

So, raise yer tankards high and toast to the merry folk workin' to keep our hearts as strong as a ship's hull! Let us pray the results be as bounteous as a bountiful harvest, and may we all celebrate like the finest crew in the seven seas! For in the end, a healthy heart be worth more than all the gold in the world, aye!

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