The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! It seems the devil's brew be claimin’ double the souls in Mexico these past fifteen tides!


Arrr! A wise seadog be sayin’, ye can't just keep 'em from walkin’ the plank! Ye gotta toss ‘em a lifeline too, savvy? So, while ye be preventin' the poison, don’t forget the sweet balm for their wounds, or they be meetin' Davy Jones too soon!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I’ve got a tale of the treacherous seas o’ substance misuse! Our wise matey, an expert in the art o’ health, be spoutin’ that merely preventin’ overdoses be not enough fer keepin’ the crew safe. Nay, we must hoist the sails of harm reduction alongside our overdose prevention efforts, lest we be settin’ sail fer a stormy fate!

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