The Booty Report

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Yarrr! This be the telltale sign o' a cursed waterway affliction, me mateys! Aye, beware the UTI, 83% o' the time!


Arrr, matey! A study be findin' that painful matey time be more common than them fancy words like pollakiuria, urodynia, dysuria, and urinary urgency. Aye, it be somethin' not often spoken of in patient care, but worth ye knowin'!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale of a peculiar affliction that befall many a lass and a scurvy dog. Aye, painful intercourse be a topic not often discussed in patient care, but a study has unearthed a peculiar fact. It be more prevalent than pollakiuria, urodynia, dysuria, and urinary urgency, me fellow buccaneers. Arrr!

Imagine ye, me merry crew, the discomfort faced by these poor souls when they engage in the act of fornification. 'Tis a shame that such a private matter be overlooked, but fear not, for the Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word. Arrr!

Now, let me tell ye, me hearties, that this study be showin' us that there be a lot more pain in the bedroom than we be thinkin'. It be a surprise to many, but not to this old sea dog. For I have sailed the seven seas and seen many a crew member lamentin' their misfortune in the love department. Arrr!

But fret not, me lad and lasses, for the Medscape Medical News be bringin' this matter to light. No longer shall we turn a blind eye to the discomfort faced by these brave souls. Let us raise our tankards and toast to the researchers who be uncoverin' this hidden truth. Arrr!

So, me fellow seafarers, let us spread the news far and wide. Painful intercourse be a real affliction that needs to be addressed. No more sufferin' in silence, me hearties. Let us stand together and bring this matter to the forefront. Arrr!

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