The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Semaglutide might make Medicare's treasure chest lighter by billions, makin' the scallywags grumble!"


Arrr, matey! Medicare be swingin' its hook, lettin' one in seven landlubbers with a hefty belly claim the magic potion known as semaglutide! Aye, the tides of health be shiftin' for the plump, all thanks to the powers that be! Avast, yer shipshape self awaits!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ye round as I spin a yarn about the grand seas of healthcare, where Medicare be hoistin' the sails for a fine treasure called semaglutide! Aye, this magical potion be now within reach for about one in seven of our hearty Medicare crew who be sportin' a belly that be high as the crow's nest!

In the tumultuous waters of BMI, those who be carryin' extra ballast can now set their sights on this wondrous remedy. It seems the good folk in charge of Medicare have decided to throw a lifeline to those in need, makin’ sure they don't be walkin’ the plank of health woes. “Aye, bring forth the semaglutide!” be the rallying cry of the newly eligible buccaneers seeking to shed their extra weight and find smoother sailing ahead.

So let it be known across the seven seas, that with Medicare’s expanded coverage, there be a new dawn for many a sailor. They can now embark on their quest for health with this fine treatment! Raise yer tankards to good fortune and fair winds, for the tides of healthcare be favorin' the brave souls lookin’ to trim their sails! Yarrr!

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