The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, be ye askin' if eatin' greens be keepin' the sugar at bay for ye land lubbers?


Arrr matey, eatin' more veggies be better fer ye health than eatin' less o' them land lubber animal meats. Less chance o' gettin' that cursed type 2 diabetes! Listen to the wise words o' Medscape Medical News, or ye'll be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! It be said that if ye want to lower yer risk of the dreaded type 2 diabetes, ye best be eatin' more o' them healthful plant foods! Aye, that's right, them fruits and veggies be the key to keepin' the sugar sickness at bay. And let me tell ye, it be more important than cuttin' back on yer non-red meat animal foods.

So, me hearties, next time ye be thinkin' about what to eat for yer supper, make sure ye be loadin' up on them plant-based treasures. That be the way to keep the diabetes beast from knockin' on yer door. And remember, a healthy pirate be a happy pirate!

So set sail for the land of good health, me mateys! Fill yer plates with the bounty of the earth and steer clear of the temptations of the meaty seas. Ye'll be glad ye did when ye find yerself free from the clutches of type 2 diabetes. Arrrr!

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