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Arrr! 'Tis be said, me hearties, that ye art may help lasses with a hearty girth bear two wee ones at once!


Arr, 'tis belike that fancy contraptions o' assisted reproduction be responsible fer a quarter o' the link betwixt twin births 'n a plump BMI o' 30-40 afore ye get knocked up, me hearties! Yo-ho, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' tales!

Arr, me hearties! Gather ye round, as I regale ye with a tale of seafaring science. 'Tis a tale of twin births and the weighty matters of the buxom bellies, told in the language of a 17th-century pirate. Avast!

According to a study, it seems that the use of assisted reproductive technology may be the key to unlockin' the mystery behind the connection betwixt twin births and the body mass index (BMI) of 30-40 before a woman be with child. Arr, it be a fascinating find indeed!

Ye see, me hearties, the researchers have discovered that approximately 25% of this association can be explained by the use of these modern marvels. So, if ye be a lass with a hefty BMI and be yearnin' for twins, ye might want to consider this technological assistance.

Now, don't ye be foolish enough to think that these findings be meanin' that all twin births be a result of the use of such contraptions. Nay, ye scallywags! There be other factors at play, like genetics and environmental influences. But this study suggests that the use of assisted reproductive technology be a significant piece of the puzzle.

So, what be the moral of this tale, me hearties? Well, if ye be dreamin' of a brood of twins and find yerself with a BMI of 30-40, ye might want to consider the help of modern science. 'Tis a jolly thought, isn't it? But don't be forgettin' that there be risks and costs involved, so consult with yer trusted physician before ye embark on such a journey.

And there ye have it, me hearties! A humorous tale of twin births, BMI, and the wonders of assisted reproductive technology. 'Tis a tale that'll make ye chuckle and ponder the mysteries of the seven seas. Until next time, fair winds and smooth sailin', me hearties!

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