The Booty Report

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Be e-ciggydangers plaguin' th' ol' ticker, mateys? Aye, beware th' scurvy heart ailments of th' modern age! Arrr!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be warned, these infernal e-cigarettes be as harmful as the devil's tobacco. Just like the cursed conventional cigarettes, they be wreakin' havoc on yer precious endothelium and fillin' ye body with toxic substances. Heed the warnin' from <i>Medscape Medical News</i>. Arrrr!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! Them fancy scholars be sayin' that these electronic cigarettes be just as harmful to ye endothelium as them regular cigarettes! Aye, 'tis true, me hearties! The endothelium be a crucial part of ye blood vessels, and when damaged, it can lead to all sorts of trouble for ye health.
So, ye may be thinkin' that puffin' on them e-cigarettes be better than smokin' the real deal, but 'tis not so, me buckos! The toxins in them e-cigarettes be doin' just as much harm as the toxins in them regular smokes! Arrr! So, if ye be thinkin' that ye be safe from harm by switchin' to e-cigarettes, ye be walkin' the plank, me hearties!
So, me fellow pirates, heed this warning! Whether ye be puffin' on an e-cigarette or a regular cigarette, ye be subjectin' ye poor endothelium to the same harm! So, be wise and steer clear of the cursed smoke altogether! Arrr! Ye health be more valuable than any pleasure ye may get from puffin' on them cancer sticks!

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