The Booty Report

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Hark ye, me hearties! Stuffin' yer gob fast and suppin' late may wreak havoc on yer health, arrr!


Arrr matey, tis not just the grub ye shove in yer gob that affects yer well-being. The speed and timing of yer feasting also be part of the puzzle. Listen to the wisdom of the Medscape Medical News, lest ye be walking the plank of poor health! Aye!

Arr matey, ye best be payin' attention to more than just the grub ye be stuffin' down yer gullet if ye want to stay healthy. It ain't just about the quantity or quality of the vittles ye be eatin', but also about how quick ye shovel 'em in and when ye chow down. Aye, the timing and speed of yer meals can have a say in yer overall health, says the wise folks at Medscape Medical News.
So next time ye be reachin' for that turkey leg or tankard of grog, remember that it's not just about what ye be eatin', but when and how fast ye be scarfing it down. Take heed of this advice, me hearties, if ye want to keep the scurvy at bay and sail the seven seas for many a year to come. Arrrr!

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