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Arrr! SGLT2 inhibitors be tied to less gouty flares in scurvy diabetics! Yo ho ho!


Arrr, me hearties! In th' grand year o' 8150, a jolly crew o' Canadian scallywags with th' dreaded gout 'n type 2 sugar sickness were tested. Usin' a fancy SGLT2 inhibitor, it be found that th' gout flares did drop by a whoppin' 34%, comparin' it to those DPP-4 inhibitors. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In a study conducted on 8150 Canadians with gout and type 2 diabetes, researchers found that treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor resulted in a remarkable 34% decrease in gout flares compared to DPP-4 inhibitors. Arr! This be fantastic news for all ye scallywags suffering from the dreaded gout.

Now, I know what ye be thinkin', what in Davy Jones' locker are these strange acronyms? Well, me hearties, SGLT2 inhibitors be a type of medication that helps yer kidneys remove excess sugar from yer body, while DPP-4 inhibitors be another type of medication that helps control yer blood sugar levels. Aye, 'tis a battle of the medications!

But fear not, me fellow pirates, for this study has shown us that when it comes to treating gout and type 2 diabetes, the SGLT2 inhibitors be the way to go. They be like the treasure chest of medications, helpin' ye scurvy dogs keep yer gout flares at bay.

Now, I can almost hear ye askin', how did they come to this conclusion? Well, they used something called propensity-score matching. Basically, they be takin' two groups of pirates with similar characteristics and makin' sure they be balanced like a fine ship on the high seas. Then, they compared the number of gout flares in each group, and lo and behold, the SGLT2 inhibitors came out on top.

So, me hearties, if ye be sufferin' from both gout and type 2 diabetes, it be time to set sail towards the SGLT2 inhibitors. They be the secret weapon ye need to fight off those pesky gout flares. Arr! Fair winds and smooth seas to ye all!

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