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Arr, ye landlubber! Be warned, there be lingering consequences when ye meddle with yer prostate cancer treatment!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Local treatment for advanced prostate cancer be bringin' a mighty burden of persistent ill effects, far worse than nonlocal therapy alone! Avast, says Medscape Medical News!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, we be hearin' news that local treatment for advanced prostate cancer be bringin' a mighty burden of troublesome side effects. Aye, ye heard it right, mateys! This news comes from the land of Medscape Medical News, where they be studyin' the effects of treatment on our fearless pirates.
Arrr, it be known that advanced prostate cancer be a treacherous beast, and many brave souls choose to undergo treatment to fight it off. But alas, this study be tellin' us that the local treatment, which be targetin' the prostate directly, be bringin' more troubles than nonlocal therapy alone.
Now, ye may be wonderin' what kind of side effects be plaguin' these poor souls. Well, me hearties, it be a long list. We be talkin' about things like erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and bowel problems. Aye, ye heard it right - these brave souls be facin' a stormy sea of troubles.
But fear not, me fellow pirates, for there be hope on the horizon. The study also be tellin' us that these side effects may not be forever. Some of them may be temporary, and with proper care and treatment, they may be able to sail through calmer waters.
So, me mateys, if ye be facin' the battle against advanced prostate cancer, ye may want to weigh the risks and consider all yer options. Talk to yer trusted medical advisor, and together ye can chart a course that be suited to yer needs.
Remember, me hearties, even in the face of adversity, we be strong and resilient. We be fightin' this battle together, one day at a time. And with a sprinkle of humor, a dash of courage, and a hearty "yo ho ho," we can conquer any storm that comes our way. Fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye all!

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