The Booty Report

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Be ye spy-glass peekin' at ye noggin, matey? Be the scallywag cancer gone for good?


Yarrr! Them scallywags be sayin' that scanning fancy pictures of the noggin and throat of them landlubbers with head and neck cancer be of no use. Avast! Best be keepin' away from such tomfoolery!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy landlubbers! Word be spreadin' among the medical crew that this fancy new study be sayin' that our routine surveillance imaging for them patients with head and neck cancer be no good! Aye, ye heard me right!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why we be wastin' our precious time and doubloons on somethin' that be bringin' no benefit. Well, them investigators say it be "discouraged." Aye, discouraged indeed! It be like tellin' us pirates not to be drinkin' rum or searchin' for hidden treasure. Madness, I tell ye!

But fear not, me hearties, we be findin' the humor in this situation. Picture this: a bunch of pirates gatherin' 'round their trusty parrot, discussin' the latest medical news. "Arrr, matey," says one pirate, "I be tellin' ye, those fancy doctors be wastin' their time and doubloons on them routine surveillance images. No good for us, they say!"

We be scratchin' our heads, wonderin' why they be doin' such a thing. After all, if there be no benefit, why be botherin'? It be like tryin' to catch a mermaid with a fishin' net - pointless! Maybe them doctors be thinkin' it be entertainin' to look at pictures of our insides, but we be thinkin' they need to find a new hobby, like sword fightin' or navigatin' the high seas.

So, me hearties, let's raise our rum-filled mugs to this study and its humorous conclusion. Let them doctors know that we pirates be too busy searchin' for hidden treasures and battlin' sea monsters to be botherin' with routine surveillance imaging. Arrr, we be livin' life on the edge, and that be the pirate way!

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