The Booty Report

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Arrr, scurvy hearts and dastardly substance abuse be sendin' many a soul to Davy Jones' locker in these treacherous waters of AS!


Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a sad tale, but 'tis true. The scurvy landlubbers with ankylosing spondylitis be meetin' Davy Jones's locker due to their weak hearts and rotten kidneys. Aye, 'tis a grim fate indeed! Savvy?

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! 'Tis been discovered that amongst the landlubbers who be sufferin' from ankylosing spondylitis, the deadliest foes be congestive heart failure and renal disease. Aye, these be the most fearsome comorbidities that be sendin' these poor souls to Davy Jones' locker.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what be ankylosing spondylitis. Well, me hearties, 'tis a condition that be affectin' the spine and be makin' it as stiff as a plank on a ship. 'Tis a pain in the rump, I tell ye. And these poor souls be endurin' the torment of this wretched disease while also battlin' with the likes of congestive heart failure and renal disease.

But fear not, me mateys! 'Tis the good doctors who be bringin' us this news. They be spyin' on the patients while they be in the hospital, studyin' their every move. And what did they find? 'Twas the congestive heart failure and renal disease that did 'em in, sendin' 'em to the great beyond.

Now, ye may be wonderin' why I be sharin' this news with ye. 'Tis to remind ye, me hearties, to take care of yer hearts and kidneys. Drink yer rum in moderation, and watch out for those salty foods that can be as deadly as a cannonball. And if ye be sufferin' from ankylosing spondylitis, keep a close eye on yer ticker and kidney functions, for they be the true enemies lurkin' in the shadows.

So, me hearties, let us raise our grog-filled tankards to the poor souls who have succumbed to the treacherous grip of ankylosing spondylitis, coupled with the fearsome comorbidities of congestive heart failure and renal disease. May they find peace in Davy Jones' locker, and may we learn from their unfortunate fate. Farewell, me mateys!

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