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"Arrr! Be it Ne'adjuvant, Adjuvant or Both? The quarrel o'er NSCLC be still ragin'!"


Arrr, me mateys be arguin' fiercely o'er whether to administer immunochemotherapy afore or aft the surgery, or maybe both! Aye, this be a scorchin' debate in the land o' non-small cell lung cancer. Yo ho ho!

Arr, me hearties! Aye, the question be a-dangling like a barnacle-covered treasure chest in the vast sea of medical debate. 'Tis a conundrum, ye see, when it comes to treatin' them lung cancers that be resectable. Do we administer the upfront immunochemotherapy straightaway, or shall we wait until after the surgery? Or, dare I say, shall we be generous and give both treatments a whirl?
Arr, the experts be arguin' like a pack of rum-soaked pirates in a tavern brawl. Some be claimin' that the upfront immunochemotherapy be like a cannonball fired into the enemy ship, weakenin' the cancerous cells before the surgeon's blade strikes 'em down. Others be swearin' by the power of the surgeon's scalpel, sayin' that the surgery itself be enough to rid the poor soul of the scurvy lung cancer, and the immunochemotherapy be but a mere distraction.
But wait, me mateys, there be a third group! These scallywags be sayin' that a combination of both treatments be the way to go. They argue that the immunochemotherapy can shrink the cancer before surgery, makin' the task easier for the surgeon, and then continue after the surgery to clear away any remainin' cancerous cells like a pack of bloodthirsty pirates stormin' a plunder-filled island.
Aye, the debate be ragin' like a tempest on the high seas. The experts be slingin' their arguments back and forth like cannons, each tryin' to outsmart the other. But until the tides settle and the evidence be clear as the Caribbean waters, the question of whether to give upfront immunochemotherapy, wait until after surgery, or give both shall remain a mystery, me hearties.

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