The Booty Report

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The Voyage to Radiographic SpA: Perilous Factors and Chronology, me hearties!


Arr, after 5 long years of scurvy investigation, it be discovered that these landlubbers with newly diagnosed axial spondyloarthritis be takin' an average of 2.4 years to see any progression on the radiographic pictures. Ye hear that, mateys? Spread the word across the seven seas!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I've got some news that will make ye chuckle like a drunken parrot! A study, conducted over a span of five long years, has found that the mean time it takes for a bunch of landlubbers with newly diagnosed axial spondyloarthritis to progress radiographically be 2.4 years!

Ah, what be this "axial spondyloarthritis," ye ask? Well, me mateys, it be a fancy term for a condition that be causing pain and inflammation in the spine and pelvis. It be makin' it hard for these poor souls to swab the decks and walk like proper pirates!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what "mean time" be, and I be tellin' ye it's not about being nasty or cruel, me hearties. No, it be a fancy way of sayin' the average time it takes for these unfortunate souls to progress in their condition.

So, imagine ye be diagnosin' some poor scallywag with this condition, and ye be tellin' them, "Arr, matey! Ye be havin' 2.4 years before ye need to worry 'bout things gettin' worse!" Ain't that a relief, me mateys?

Now, I ain't no fancy doctor, but this news be comin' from the Medscape Medical News, so ye can be trustin' it. They be keepin' an eye on all the latest happenings in the medical world, so we don't have to.

So, there ye have it, me hearties! A bunch of poor souls with axial spondyloarthritis be havin' a mean time of 2.4 years before things progress. Let's raise a tankard o' rum to their resilience and hope they find some relief on their journey through this treacherous sea of arthritis!

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