The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! The way yer body be breakin' down grog may 'splain why lads an' lasses be differin' in kidney troubles.


Arrr, it be said that men be havin' a faster Krebs cycle than women, which may explain why they fare better in the battle against diabetic kidney disease. 'Tis a swashbucklin' tale of metabolism and pyruvate accumulation on the high seas of medicine! Aye, the Medscape be tellin' the tale!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! It be said that the Krebs cycle be workin' harder in the male swashbucklers than in the lovely lasses. Aye, that be the reason why them male scallywags be faring better in the battle against the cursed diabetic kidney disease.
Arrr, it be a mystery as to why the pyruvate be gatherin' in the womenfolk's kidneys like treasure in a chest. But mark me words, it be causin' them to walk the plank to a worse fate when it comes to this disease.
So, me hearties, it be clear that the sea of sex differences be playin' a role in the outcomes of this treacherous disease. The men be sailin' smoothly on the high seas of the Krebs cycle, while the women be stranded on the shores of pyruvate accumulation.
Keep a weather eye on the horizon, me buckos, for the Medscape Medical News be bringin' us this tale of the battle between the sexes in the realm of diabetic kidney disease. Aye, may the winds of the Krebs cycle be ever in yer favor!

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