The Booty Report

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Arr, the FDA gives its nod to Quizartinib for the scurvy dogs with newly diagnosed AML.


Arr, ye scallywags! Beware of the dangers o' the heart, fer this here targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor can only be acquired through a REMS program. Avast, me hearties! Watch out for yer ticker! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In the language of a 17th century pirate, we have some rather peculiar news to share, me hearties! It seems that a newfangled medicine, known as a targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor, be causin' some serious cardiac risks. Arrr! This be no ordinary medicine, mateys! It be so dangerous that it can only be acquired through a REMS program, whatever that be.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker be a targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Well, let me enlighten ye, ye scurvy dogs! It be a type of medicine that be aimin' to fight off certain types of cancers by targetin' specific molecules within the body. Sounds fancy, doesn't it?

But alas, the risks be real, me hearties. This medicine be messin' with the heart, and not in a good way. It be causin' all sorts of cardiac troubles, makin' it a treacherous voyage for those who dare to take it. That be why the powers that be have decided to make it available only through a REMS program.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what be this REMS program, and I don't blame ye! It be a program designed to ensure that this dangerous medicine be used safely and effectively. Ye need to jump through hoops, walk the plank, and probably even do a jig to get yer hands on it!

So, me hearties, if ye be thinkin' of takin' this targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor, ye best be prepared for a wild ride. It be a medicine that be holdin' great promise in fightin' cancer, but it also be a medicine that be playin' tricks on the heart. Aye, it be a delicate balance, indeed. So, be cautious, me mateys, and may the winds be in yer favor!

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