The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, beware of cursed facials at shady parlors! Ye may end up with a blood-sucking surprise!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags at this spa were poking faces with tiny needles like a bunch of landlubbers! But beware, their injection practices were as unsterile as a bilge rat's nest. Ye be better off walkin' the plank than gettin' pricked by them sea dogs! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! It be a tale of treachery and folly at a spa where scallywags be gettin' their faces poked with tiny needles in a procedure they be callin' microneedlin' facials. But beware, for the swindlers runnin' this establishment be usin' unsterile injection practices, puttin' all them buccaneers at risk for infection and other maladies. Aye, 'tis a travesty!
Word be spreadin' like wildfire about this scandalous affair, with Medscape Medical News soundin' the alarm for all to hear. The audacity of these scurvy dogs to be playin' fast and loose with the health and safety of their patrons be truly beyond belief. The gallows be too good for 'em!
So me hearties, if ye be thinkin' of gettin' a microneedlin' facial at this den of iniquity, me advice be to steer clear and find yerself a reputable establishment. Don't be takin' chances with yer precious visage, lest ye be payin' the price for yer vanity. Fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye all!

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