The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Pregnant wenches on steroids face no harm from EoE, aye, a jolly good news it be!


"Arrr! Our advisements 'bout the use o' steroids among this band o' scallywags be founded on the safety data derived chiefly from expectin' women wit' the breathin' troubles. Avast! <i>MDedge News</i>"

In a hilarious twist of language, the 17th-century pirate within me couldn't help but chuckle at this peculiar statement made by the modern medical community. "Arrr, so they be recommendin' the use of steroids based on data from pregnant women with asthma, ye say? Shiver me timbers!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my amusement.

Now, ye see, me hearties, pirates like meself aren't exactly known for our knowledge of medical jargon or the latest scientific studies. But it seems rather peculiar that they be applyin' the findings from one group of scallywags to another entirely different bunch.

Arrr, it be like sayin' that the best way to sail the high seas be to follow the footsteps of a landlubber! Aye, it be a curious comparison indeed!

But alas, it seems the medical community be havin' their reasons for such a peculiar choice. Perhaps the pregnant women with asthma be havin' similar side effects to those who be takin' steroids, or maybe they be havin' some other secret connection that only the doctors be privy to.

Now, me hearties, I be no expert in the field of medicine, but I can't help but find the whole situation rather humorous. It be as if those doctors be speakin' a language all of their own, one that only they and their fellow scurvy dogs be understandin'.

So there ye have it, me hearties! The medical community be recommendin' the use of steroids among this population based on the safety data from pregnant women with asthma. A peculiar choice indeed, but who am I to argue with the wisdom of the landlubbers in white coats? Arrr, it be a strange world we be livin' in!

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