The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs, bleed'n be no help fend'n off a second blow to the noggin'. Stick to grog instead!


Arrr, mateys! It be said that takin' edoxaban after a stroke won't keep ye from havin' another. Ye best be findin' a different solution to keep yer blood flowin' smooth as a calm sea. Savvy?

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! If ye be havin' a stroke, beware of takin' edoxaban to prevent another one, for it seems it may not be helpin' ye in that endeavor. A study found that this fancy medication didn't do much to lower the risk of havin' another stroke for them patients who had already suffered one. Aye, tis a shame indeed!
Now, don't be gettin' all worried and runnin' to throw yer edoxaban overboard just yet. The study may have its limitations, and each scallywag's situation be different. It's always best to consult with yer trusted healthcare provider before makin' any changes to yer treatment plan. They be the true captains of yer health ship!
So, me hearties, while this news may be disappointin', it be a reminder to stay vigilant and keep a weather eye on yer health. And remember, even if yer medication be not as effective as ye hoped, there be always other strategies and treatments that may be more helpful in preventin' another stroke. Stay strong, me mateys, and keep fightin' the good fight against the dreaded stroke beast!

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