The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Those eye remedies ain't just a handful of doubloons, they’ll plunder yer purse good!"


Arrr, matey! Them landlubber insurers be hoggin' the treasure, leavin' the eye doctors adrift! They need more room to chart their course for the best loot, weighin' the gold's worth against the scallywag's plight. Avast, let the pirates of the eye sail free! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, ye landlubbers and lend an ear to this tale of the eye-squintin’ doc, the ophthalmologist! Aye, these fine doctors be in need of a bit more freedom from the greedy insurers, who be tighter than a clam in a storm. They be yearnin’ for the ability to choose the best remedy for their patients, no matter the doubloons it costs or the treasure it may save in the long run!

Ye see, when it comes to treating the peepers of the scallywags, it ain't just about the shiny coins! Nay, it’s about what kind of magic potion will do the trick, whether it be gold or silver, or even a drop of mermaid's tears! The circumstances of each sea dog vary, and so should their treatments! But lo and behold, the insurers be holdin' them back like a ship caught in a storm, makin’ choices based on their own treasure chests instead of the health of the crew!

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