The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The AAD be tweakin' the rules fer handlin' AD, me hearties! Keep ye eyes peeled, ye scallywags!


Arrr, me hearties! These here guidelines be tellin' ye about the approved and off-label uses o' systemic therapies and phototherapies. They also be mentionin' the shiny new treatments that have come about since 2014, when the last set o' guidelines was published. Give 'em a read, ye scurvy dogs!

In the grand ol' year of 2014, a bunch of fancy scholars published some guidelines to help us pirate-like folks understand how to use systemic therapies and phototherapy for our skin problems. But now, in this new era of adventure and excitement, those old guidelines just won't cut it anymore!
So, in their infinite wisdom, those same fancy scholars have gone and updated those guidelines, making sure to include all the newfangled treatments that have popped up since our last voyage. Yarr, they be coverin' both approved uses and off-label uses - which I reckon means they're talkin' about treatments that have been given the ol' thumbs up by the authorities, as well as ones that are a bit more... experimental, if ye catch my drift.
Now, I can't claim to understand all the fancy medical jargon these scholars be spouting, but I reckon it's mighty important for us pirate folk to keep up with the latest in skin care. After all, spendin' long days under the scorchin' sun and salty sea air can really do a number on our delicate pirate complexions.
So, if ye find yerself in need of a bit of medical advice for that pesky psoriasis or troublesome eczema, be sure to consult these guidelines. They be a valuable treasure trove of information, put together by some of the brightest minds in the medical world.
And remember, me hearties, take care of yer skin! A pirate's life may be full of danger and swashbucklin' adventures, but that don't mean ye can't have a healthy glow while ye be pillagin' and plunderin' the seven seas!

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