The Booty Report

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Losing pounds be not sufficient to keep scurvy-ridden T2D at bay, ye scallywags!


Arr, 'tis a pitiful truth, me hearties! A mere 6% o' them landlubbers in this study managed to lower their cursed blood sugar levels through weighin' anchor, without any potions or elixirs! - Medscape Medical News, by Blackbeard

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye landlubbers! It be a tale worth tellin', straight from the Medscape Medical News, that only a measly 6% of those scurvy dogs in their study managed to achieve and keep their blood glucose levels at the normal mark just by losin' some weight. Aye, the rest of 'em must have been feelin' like they were sailin' through the Bermuda Triangle, lost and confused.

Now, ye might be wonderin', what be this blood glucose they speak of? Well, me mateys, it be the fancy way of sayin' the amount of sugar floatin' around in yer bloodstream. And if ye be havin' too much of it, ye might find yerself on a one-way trip to Davy Jones' Locker, if ye catch me drift.

So, what be the secret to joinin' that elite 6%? Well, it be as simple as droppin' anchor on yer weight, me hearties! They say that sheddin' those extra pounds be like throwin' a plank overboard, lightening the load on yer body. But beware, it be no easy task! It be like swimmin' with a school of hungry sharks, tryin' to snatch away yer willpower.

Now, don't be thinkin' that losin' weight be the only way to tame that pesky blood glucose. A smart pirate knows that there be other weapons in yer arsenal. Ye might need to be takin' some medicines, me mateys, to help ye on yer journey. But let's be honest, who wants to rely on those fancy potions and pills when ye can fight the battle on yer own!

So, me hearties, if ye be wantin' to keep yer blood glucose levels in check, ye better be settin' sail on the treacherous seas of weight loss. It be a journey filled with danger and temptation, but remember, ye be a pirate, and nothin' can stand in yer way. Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of insulin!

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