The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags be fretin' over the uptake o' Infliximab knockoffs in the colonies, savvy?


Arrr, matey! The use o’ infliximab biosimilars be creepin’ like a tide, till three ships sailed into the market! But alas, the bounty be still low for the Medicare crew, far better for the Medicaid and private treasure seekers in the year of our Lord, 2022! Yarrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a jolly tale of infliximab biosimilars, them fancy potions sailin' the seas of the United States. Aye, the journey be a slow one, like a ship in a calm sea, till three of 'em hoisted their sails and set course fer the market. But lo and behold, despite their grand arrival, the use of these magical elixirs remained as low as a sunken treasure chest, especially among the Medicare scallywags compared to the Medicaid and private insurance swabs in the year of our Lord, 2022.

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