The Booty Report

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"Avast! What hour ye pop yer blood pressure potions be matters naught, says the latest treasure map o' trials!"


Arrr, matey! Whether ye pop yer blood-thinner potion at dawn or when the moon be high matters not, say two fine trials! So hoist yer sails and worry not, for the heart be steady on this fine voyage! Avast, 'tis Medscape givin' us the scoop!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I've a tale to spin about the cursed high seas of blood pressure! It seems the wise lads in white coats have delved into the mysteries of antihypertensive potions, and lo! They’ve uncovered a treasure o' knowledge! Whether ye be poppin' yer pills at the crack of dawn or under the moonlit sky, it matters not a lick, savvy?

Aye, two grand trials, like shipmates on a quest, have confirmed what many a salty sea dog hath pondered. “When be the best time to take these magical elixirs?” But fret not, for both morn and eve be equally fine for keepin' yer blood pressure in check. So, whether ye rise with the sun or stumble to bed after a night of rum, ye can rest easy knowing yer heart be kept in shipshape!

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