The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags, be savvy with yer coin and avoid the scurvy of diabetes complications by lowering yer pillage for medication!


Arrr mateys, me hearties! 'Tis been discovered that takin' less gold out o' yer pockets for yer scurvy meds may help ye feel a bit better in the short run, for those of ye with the sugar disease. Aye, 'tis good news for yer health, says the Medscape scribes!

Arrr mateys, listen up! According to the scallywags at Medscape Medical News, it be said that by reducing those pesky out-of-pocket costs in a value-based medication plan, it may help improve the health outcomes of landlubbers with diabetes who be having insurance through a commercial ship.

Now, don't be getting too excited, me hearties. They be sayin' that the improvements in health outcomes be modest at best and only in the short term. So don't be thinkin' ye can go eatin' all the rum cakes ye want just yet!

But still, it be good news for those with the sugar disease, arrr! A little help with them costs can go a long way in keepin' ye healthy and hearty. So next time ye be havin' to refill yer diabetes meds, make sure to thank the crew behind this value-based plan.

And remember, me fellow pirates, take care of yer health like ye take care of yer ship. Aye, it be smooth sailin' ahead for those who be keepin' their health in check. Arrr!

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