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Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' that a mighty study be expandin' to more clinical sites, savvy?


Avast ye scurvy dogs! This grand voyage seeks to gather 8000 brave souls afflicted with HS. Their precious bodily fluids be required for mystical studies. Full sails ahead! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I have some news that be as rare as a mermaid's tear. A study, worthy of the finest buccaneers, be settin' sail to gather 8000 patients afflicted with HS, also known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa. But that ain't all, mates. They be collectin' biospecimens from these poor souls, ye hear me right? Biospecimens, for translational studies!

Now, me mateys, ye might be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker be a translational study. Well, let me enlighten ye. It be a fancy way of sayin' they be tryin' to take what they learn from them patients' samples and turn it into somethin' useful. Aye, like turnin' lead into gold, but with medical knowledge instead.

Picture this, me hearties – a crew of researchers, scurvy doctors if ye will, combing through these biospecimens like they be searchin' for buried treasure. They be seekin' answers to questions like why does HS plague these poor souls and, more importantly, how can we make it walk the plank for good?

But here be the real kicker, me hearties – this whole endeavor be a study! Aye, ye heard that right. They be studyin' these poor souls just like I study a bottle of rum on a lonely night. They be lookin' to uncover truths, unravel mysteries, and maybe, just maybe, find the cure to this beastly affliction.

So, me hearties, if ye be sufferin' from HS, consider joinin' this merry band of patients. Ye'll be helpin' the scurvy doctors in their quest, and who knows, ye might just be the key to unlockin' the treasure trove of knowledge hidden within these biospecimens. Arr, now go forth and be part of this piratical adventure, for the future of HS be in yer hands!

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