The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Aye, a blood test fer Alzheimer’s be shortenin’ the hunt fer a diagnosis, savvy? Let’s hoist the sails!"


Arrr matey! By mixing me thinkin' tests with a poke o' blood in the good ol' doc's office, we be settin' sail to get the landlubbers to the specialists quicker than ye can say "scallywag!" No more waitin' like a barnacle on a ship's hull, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' the fine art o' combin' brain-ticklin' tests with a wee bit o' blood lettin' in the realm o' primary care! Aye, it be a savvy plan that promises to hoist the sails of efficiency and trim the waitin' times fer those landlubbers seekin' the counsel o' specialists.

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