The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, me hearties! New data be showin' vaccine safety and DMT fer active MS. Yarrr!


Avast ye scallywags! Some landlubbers be holdin' off on their CD20 treatments 'til their vaccine schedules be done. But a study be sayin' it may not be needed. Arrr, trust in th' scurvy dogs of science, mateys! Aye, 'tis true!

Arr matey! Ye be thinkin' that ye need to wait for all yer shots before ye start treatment with CD20, eh? Well, listen up me hearties, cause there be new findings that suggest this caution may not be needed after all! A study reported by Medscape Medical News be sayin' that clinicians may not have to delay CD20 treatment until all them vaccines be completed. Arr!
So what does this mean for ye scallywags with chronic diseases in need of CD20 treatment? It means ye may be able to start treatment sooner, without havin' to wait for all them pesky vaccinations to be done. Ye can jump right in and get the help ye need, without delay! Huzzah!
So set sail me hearties, and don't be waitin' around for all them vaccines to be done before ye seek treatment. The seas be clear for ye to start CD20 treatment right away, according to this study. Arr! Remember, it be always best to consult with yer healthcare provider before makin' any decisions about treatment. But this news be sure to put a smile on many a face in the land of medicine. Fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye all!

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