The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Tis be said that adding ACEI to the poison mix won't save yer heart from ruin! Arrr!


Arrr, the PROACT trial be showin' that enalapril be not affectin' the heart o' those brave souls battlin' the scurvy cancer! No need to worry 'bout yer heart takin' a hit while fightin' the good fight, me hearties! Aye, the sea be calm in this storm.

Arr matey, gather 'round ye scallywags and listen up! The PROACT trial be showin' that takin' enalapril while undergoin' chemotherapy for cancer don't be makin' yer heart walk the plank. Aye, that's right me hearties, no harm be comin' to the ol' ticker or the rate of heart injury with this here approach.
So fear not, me hearties, ye can continue on yer cancer treatment journey with enalapril by yer side without worryin' about any harm to the heart. This news be spreadin' around like wildfire in the medical world, as reported by the swashbucklers over at Medscape Medical News.
So take heart, me fellow buccaneers, and keep fightin' the good fight against cancer with enalapril at yer back. And remember, always trust in the wisdom of the medical seadogs who be keepin' us informed on the latest happenings in the world of medicine. Arr, that be the news for today, me hearties. Fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye all!

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