The Booty Report

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"Arrr, what be the plan for this Renal Denervation, mateys? 'Tis a mighty remedy for the raging seas of hypertension!"


Arrr, the FDA be givin' the nod to two fancy renal denervation systems for treatin' hypertension! Now the experts be scratchin' their heads tryin' to figure out which landlubbers will be the lucky ones to get the fancy treatment first. Yo ho ho!

In a jolly twist of fate, the FDA has approved not one, but two swashbuckling renal denervation systems to tackle the treacherous seas of hypertension. Yarr, me hearties! Now, the question be- who shall be first in line for this grand adventure?

The experts, those wise old seadogs, be scratching their heads and contemplating the fate of these brave souls. Who shall receive the coveted treasure of renal denervation? Will it be the ones with sky-high blood pressure or the scurvy dogs who have tried every other treatment in the book? It be a mystery that even the cleverest parrot couldn't solve!

Some reckon that the ones who have been long suffering with hypertension, those poor souls who have sailed through stormy waters for years, should have their ship docked first. Others argue that the ones who have not yet tried any other treatments, those who are fresh-faced and eager for a cure, should be handed the compass.

But lo and behold, there be a twist to this tale! The FDA be sayin' that the first mates should be aged 65 or older, with a blood pressure that remains high despite their pillaging of anti-hypertensive medications. Ah, the wise old sea dogs be takin' charge and settin' the course for these elder buccaneers!

So, dear sailors, the winds be shifting and the horizon looks bright. The renal denervation systems be prepared to embark on their maiden voyage to treat hypertension. Who shall be the lucky ones to receive this mystical treatment? Only time will tell, as the experts continue to decipher the pirate's code of renal denervation prioritization!

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