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Arrr! The scurvy dogs in Italy be sayin' ye don't be needin' rubella screenings during pregnancy no more!


Arrr! Mateys, Italy be putting an end to the cursed rubella! 'Tis a victory for the land lubbers indeed, causin' 'em to ponder on their pregnancy rules. Yo ho ho!

In ye olde land of Italy, a grand achievement hath been made! The dreaded disease of rubella hath been vanquished! With great joy, the people cried, "No more shall we fear the wrath of this terrible affliction!"

And so it was, dear mateys, that this victory didst lead to a mighty rethink of the pregnancy guidelines of the land. Aye, the wise ones declared, "Let us adjust our ways and protect our fair maidens from the dangers that be."

Now, ye may wonder, why would the defeat of rubella lead to such a change? 'Tis because this foul disease is known to wreak havoc on unborn scallywags. 'Tis a perilous threat to the wee ones still in their mother's womb. So, the goodly folks of Italy didst say, "No more shall we take this lightly, we shall protect our future generation."

Arrr, let me tell ye, this be no easy task! The guidelines, they be a tricky matter. They must be clear as the crystal-clear seas, for all to understand. No confusion shall be left for the poor souls trying to navigate their way through the treacherous waters of pregnancy.

So, the learned ones devised a plan. They didst declare that all fair maidens who wish to bear a child must be informed of the dangers at hand. They must know the perils of rubella and how to protect themselves against it. Aye, 'tis of utmost importance to safeguard the wee ones from harm.

And thus, with their newfound knowledge, the fair maidens of Italy could set sail on the journey of motherhood with confidence and peace of mind. The victory over rubella hath brought about a change in the winds, guiding them towards a safer passage through the stormy seas of pregnancy. Yo ho ho!

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