The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, after ye be caught sailin' under the influence, ye be facin' a mighty fine and brig time.


Avast ye scurvy dogs! A landlubber doctor's blunder at the helm could spell doom for his reputation and the privilege to be a healer of the sick. Watch out, lest ye be walking the plank of medical shame! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! 'Tis a warning from the good folks at Medscape Medical News! Beware the dreaded mistakes o' ye doctors behind the wheel! Aye, ye heard right - even a landlubber in a white coat can cause chaos on the high seas of the road!
Ye see, me mateys, a doctor's mistake behind the wheel can be a curse upon their reputation and their very livelihood! No more pillaging the seas of sickness and disease if ye can't be trusted to navigate a simple carriage on the road! 'Tis a black mark on their record that may never be scrubbed clean!
So take heed, ye doctors of the land! Be sure to keep a clear head and a steady hand when ye set sail on the roads of the world. No amount of gold or treasure can buy back the trust of the people once it's lost! Aye, 'tis a harsh lesson to learn, but one that must be heeded!

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