The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, ye scallywags! Be sure to update yer app for yer insulin pump, lest ye walk the plank! Aye!


Arr matey! The word on the high seas be that the t:connect mobile app be cursed with a glitch that be causin' the t:slim X2 insulin pump to lose its power! Beware, ye scallywags, lest ye find yerself stranded without yer trusty pump! Aye, aye, aye!

Arrr mateys, listen up! There be a warning from the Medscape Medical News about a glitch in the t:connect mobile app that could be spelling trouble for our trusty t:slim X2 insulin pumps. Aye, it be a software bug that can make the pump's battery fail faster than a pirate ship sinking in a storm.
So, me hearties, if ye be usin' this here app with yer pump, be vigilant! Keep a weather eye out for any signs of trouble – like a sudden drop in battery life or strange messages on the screen. And if ye spot any of these warning signs, don't just sit there like a landlubber! Get in touch with the folks at Tandem Diabetes Care, or ye could be left high and dry without a working pump.
Remember, me mateys, when it comes to our health and our trusty pumps, we can't afford to be takin' any chances. So heed this warning and keep a close watch on yer t:slim X2 – lest ye find yerself stranded on the diabetes sea without a compass or a paddle!

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