The Booty Report

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"Avast ye scurvy dogs! A pox upon landlubber centers! No treasure for non-STEMI heart stops!"


Arrr, me hearties! Listen up! The goodly patients, after their heart did stop beatin', found themselves breathin' again without no signs o' trouble on their charts. Whether they be taken to the nearest port o' call, the emergency room, or to a special place fer heart arrest, they be survivin' all the same! Yo-ho-ho! <br> <i>The News o' Medscape</i>

In a study called the UK ARREST trial, it was found that patients who were revived after a heart attack but did not show ST elevation had an equal chance of survival whether they were taken to the nearest hospital emergency department or a specialized cardiac arrest center.

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye, for I bring ye news of a most peculiar study conducted by the swashbucklers of the UK ARREST trial. It seems that patients who be brought back from the clutches of Davy Jones' locker after a heart attack but show no ST elevation, have an equal shot at survival whether they be taken to the nearest hospital emergency department or a fancy-schmancy cardiac arrest center.

Arrr, it be a puzzling revelation indeed! For all these years, we believed that ye needed to be whisked away to a specialized center to have any hope of surviving after a heart attack. But alas, it seems that these landlubbers be just as likely to make it to see another day if they be taken to the nearest hospital.

Now, mind ye, this study be not to be taken lightly. It be a reputable trial conducted by knowledgeable scallywags in the medical field. They be reviving patients left and right, studying their ST elevation and determining the best course of action for their survival.

But let it be known, me hearties, that this be not an excuse to ignore the signs of a heart attack and simply sail on to the nearest tavern. No, no! If ye be experiencing the symptoms of a heart attack, such as a tightening in yer chest or a sudden shortness of breath, ye best be seeking medical attention right away!

So, there ye have it, mateys! In the grand scheme of things, it matters not whether ye be taken to the nearest hospital or a specialized center after a heart attack without ST elevation. What truly matters be ye taking swift action to save yer own precious life!

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