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Aye, plastic scalawag tried to silence critics! Walk the plank, says the court! Arrr!


Arrr! A scallywag plastic surgeon from Seattle be in hot water with the law for tryin' to silence his patients from speakin' ill online! Ye can't be stoppin' the truth from comin' out, matey! The sea of online reviews be a rough one to navigate, indeed!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Thar be a scallywag plastic surgeon in Seattle who be tryin' to control what his patients be sayin' about him online. He made 'em sign a piece of paper tryin' to stop 'em from leavin' negative reviews on the internet. But that be goin' against the laws of the land, and now he be in hot water with the feds!
This surgeon be thinkin' he be clever, tryin' to protect his reputation by muzzlin' his patients. But the powers that be don't take too kindly to that sort of trickery. They be sayin' that patients have a right to speak their minds, and no piece of paper can take that away from 'em.
So beware, me hearties! If ye be thinkin' about gettin' some plastic surgery done in Seattle, make sure ye read the fine print. And if they be tryin' to silence ye, ye best be reportin' 'em to the proper authorities. No one should be able to stop ye from sharin' yer honest opinions, no matter how many pieces of silver they be offerin' ye!

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