The Booty Report

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"From the sands of Baghdad to Boston's shores, I’ve plundered knowledge to cure the cursed blood seas! Arrr!"


Arrr, me hearties! A college mate met his doom in a most dismal way, and lo! It set El-Jawahri sailin' on a new course, like a ship blowin' off course in a storm! Aye, the winds of fate be a fickle mistress!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of a scallywag named El-Jawahri, whose life took a wild turn thanks to a matey from college. This buccaneer of the mind was sailin' smoothly on the waters of academia when a storm brewed in the form of his friend’s grim final days. Aye, it be a dark tale, but fear not, I’ll spin it with a jolly twist!

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