The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, FDA be addin' Durvalumab to the treasure chest for fightin' endometrial cancer. Aye, mateys, let's set sail!


Arrr, the news be spreadin' like wildfire among the scallywags! The treatment for the lasses with endometrial cancer be approved, aye, based on better survival rates! A victory for the sea dogs in the fight against this treacherous disease!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, news be spreadin' of a grand approval for mismatch repair deficient newly diagnosed advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer! Aye, 'tis true, a study showed improved progression-free survival vs placebo for 95 women. 'Tis a victory for the lasses fightin' this cursed disease!
So gather 'round ye fellow pirates and raise a tankard in celebration! The seas be rough and the battles be fierce, but this news be bringin' hope to all who sail these treacherous waters. Let us shout from the mast tops and let the world know of this grand news from the Medscape Medical News!
So here's to the brave women fightin' the good fight against endometrial cancer. May they find strength in this news and continue to fight like true pirates, bold and fierce. And to all ye scallywags out there, remember to keep a weather eye on the horizon and never lose hope in the face of adversity. Arrr!

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