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Ye scurvy dogs, reckon ye young lads with bountiful bellies ought to have their minds screened for mental plunder. Arrr, 'tis true!


Arr, me hearties! The scurvy-ridden youth weighin' heavy on their bones may find solace in havin' their mental state checked, says these fine researchers. They've unearthed a connection betwixt the mind and the body, and be recommendin' some grand interventions to set 'em on the right course! Yo ho ho!

Ye scurvy dogs, reckon ye young lads with bountiful bellies ought to have their minds screened for mental plunder. Arrr, 'tis true!

In the jargon of a good ol' 17th century pirate, it seems that those young landlubbers who be carryin' a wee bit o' extra weight might be in need of some mental health screenin' and lifestyle intervention programs, according to them fancy researchers. Arrrr, it seems they be findin' some patterns of mental health comorbidity among these hearty souls. Aye, this be reported by those scallywags over at Medscape Medical News, so ye can be trustin' their sources.

Now, me hearties, let's break it down a bit. These here researchers be sayin' that them youngins with obesity or bein' a bit on the chubby side might be havin' some troubles in the noggin as well. Aye, it seems they be findin' that mental health problems be taggin' along like a loyal parrot on the shoulder of these young scurvy dogs. Arrr, that be what they be meanin' by mental health comorbidity.

But fear not, me mateys! These researchers be suggestin' that a good ol' mental health screenin' and some intervention programs might be just the thing to help these young buccaneers. Aye, it be a way to keep their minds as healthy as a freshly filled treasure chest. They be sayin' that it be beneficial for these lads and lasses to be gettin' a check-up in the mental department, along with some advice and support on how to live a healthier life. Aye, that be a fine idea, indeed!

So, me hearties, if ye be seein' a young scallywag with a bit of weight on their bones, be tellin' them to seek out some help. Aye, they be needin' to make sure their mental health be as shipshape as their vessel, and that they be livin' a life full of adventure and joy. Arrr, that be the way to sail the seas of life!

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