The Booty Report

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Arrr! Be there a swashbucklin' method to spy on yer peepers for the dreaded glaucoma? Aye, 'tis a jest!


Arrr mateys! Gathering a bunch o' tests in a 6-month span be spot-on fer spotting the quick march o' glaucoma afore ye be losin' yer sight! Aye, 'tis like findin' buried treasure 'afore the other scallywags get wind of it! Aye aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Those landlubber doctors have found a way to spot the dreaded glaucoma quicker than a shark at a shipwreck! Aye, they be sayin' that if ye be gettin' multiple tests done in just 6 months, ye can catch that scurvy disease before it be stealin' yer sight!
Arrr, don't be waitin' for a whole year to get yer eyes checked, me hearties! Those clever doctors be sayin' that annual tests be too slow to catch the glaucoma before it be causin' real damage to yer peepers. But with these new tests, ye can be seein' the danger comin' faster than Blackbeard on a plunderin' spree!
So next time ye be visitin' the eye doctor, be askin' for them clusterin' tests and be stayin' ahead of the game. Don't let glaucoma be sneakin' up on ye like a stealthy pirate in the night. Be smart, me buckos, and keep yer eyes sharp as a cutlass! Arrr!

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