The Booty Report

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Avast ye land lubbers! Biden be fixin' to ease the cut to our medicare doc pay with his fancy spendin' bill. Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The wise healers be clamoring fer a grand overhaul o' Medicare payments, even after snatchin' a makeshift fix fer 2024. The pillage continues, says Medscape Medical News. Arrr, a pirate's life be fraught with healthcare debates!

Avast ye land lubbers! Biden be fixin' to ease the cut to our medicare doc pay with his fancy spendin' bill. Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that them physician groups be still pushin' for a big change in how Medicare pays 'em, even after gettin' a quick fix to last 'til 2024. Aye, ye heard it right - they be wantin' more booty from the Medicare treasure chest!
Them scallywags be demandin' a revamp, a complete overhaul of the payment system, so they can line their pockets with more gold. They be wantin' to be paid fair shares for their services, and not be walkin' the plank with measly payments.
But beware, me hearties! Them physicians be a crafty bunch, knowin' how to navigate the treacherous waters of healthcare politics. They be bandin' together, creatin' a mighty force to be reckoned with.
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me mateys! The battle for fair payin' from Medicare be far from over. And remember, in the words of the wise old sea dog, "Dead men tell no tales, but well-paid physicians tell no lies!"

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