The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, they be brewin' a potion to fend off the cursed UTIs! Ship ahoy for healthy bladders!


Avast ye scallywags! A study in the year of our Lord 2022 hath proven that the potion be mighty effective in keepin' the wee beasties from infiltratin' yer nether regions for a good 9 moons. Yo ho ho, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A study published in 2022 has found that the vaccine be mighty effective in preventin' those pesky urinary tract infections fer a span of 9 months. Aye, ye heard it right! This be good news fer us all, no need to suffer the burnin' sensation or the constant urge to make a trip to the head every few minutes.
So next time ye be considerin' takin' a trip to the apothecary, be sure to ask about this here vaccine. It may just save ye from a world of pain and discomfort. And remember, a healthy pirate be a happy pirate!
So let's raise a mug of grog to this fine discovery and give thanks to the scallywags who be conductin' these studies. May we all be free from the curse of the urinary tract infections, and may our sails be full as we navigate the treacherous waters of health and wellness. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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