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Yarr! No lessening o' heart flutters aft surgery, even with Colchicine, says COP-AF.


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The results o' th' COP-AF trial be showin' no significant reduction in th' cursed co-primary endpoints o' clinically important AF or myocardial injury after noncardiac thoracic surgery. Aye, there be some positive trends, but they be as elusive as a mermaid's treasure! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, mateys! News has reached me ears about a trial called COP-AF, and it seems the results be a bit disappointing for all ye hearties out there. The trial looked at whether there be a reduction in two important things - AF, which stands for atrial fibrillation, and myocardial injury, which be when ye poor heart gets hurt during noncardiac thoracic surgery.
Now, ye might be wonderin' what this all means. Well, it be like this - the trial didn't find any significant reduction in these two things they be lookin' at. But, hold yer horses, there be a silver lining! Some positive trends were seen, which means there be a glimmer of hope that things could be lookin' up.
But let's get down to the nitty-gritty, me hearties. COP-AF be a trial that be tryin' to see if there be any ways to make things better for folks who have to go through noncardiac thoracic surgery. They be lookin' at AF, which be a fancy way of sayin' that yer heart be beatin' all wonky, and myocardial injury, which be when yer heart gets a good ol' smack during surgery.
Now, the results be showin' that there weren't any big improvements in these two things they be watchin'. But, let's not lose hope, me mateys! There be positive trends, which means that things could be movin' in the right direction. It be like when ye be diggin' for treasure and ye find a wee bit of gold - it might not be a chest full of coins, but it be somethin'.
So, there ye have it, me hearties! The COP-AF trial results be showin' no significant reduction in AF or myocardial injury after noncardiac thoracic surgery. But, don't be too disheartened - there be positive trends, and that means there be a glimmer of hope. Keep fightin' the good fight, me hearties!

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