The Booty Report

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Arrr! Maternity care be sinkin’ in the sticks! Can these landlubber doulas lend a seaworthy hand?


Arrr, matey! In the fair land o' Georgia, it seems the lassies be meetin' Davy Jones too often, claimin' one of the highest rates o' maternal mortality in the whole ship of state! Blame the scallywags at KFF, they be sharin' this grim tale! Yarrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the land known as Georgia, where the fair dames be settin' sail on the treacherous seas of motherhood! Aye, it be reported by the fine folks at KFF, a crew dedicated to the health of our kind, that Georgia be havin' one of the highest rates o' maternal mortality in all the land! Arrr, that be no merry news!

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