"Arrr, mateys! Time to hoist the sails o' truth 'bout them oncologist scallywags and their treasure-chasing pharma ties!"
Arrr, me hearties! A jolly study be revealin’ that three-quarters o’ landlubber oncologists, when asked in a grand survey, be blind as a bat to conflicts o’ interest! Aye, they missed more red flags than a drunken sailor! Savvy that, ye scallywags?
Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale that’ll tickle yer funny bone and rattle yer bones! A band o’ scallywags, known as oncologists, took part in a grand survey across the seven seas. But lo and behold, three quarters o’ these landlubbers didn’t spot the treacherous waters o’ conflict o’ interest, not even once! Can ye believe it? Aye, 'tis true!