The Booty Report

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Arrr! Aye, a fresh scurvy called "Diabetes" be linked to a risk o' heart ailments, especially for the young buccaneers!


Arrr! A wee 'ol diagnosis o' type 2 diabetes be bringin' a vast 10-year risk o' heart troubles to all, be it lads or lasses, from wee bairns to old salts. But beware ye young scallywags below 40, for they be sufferin' the most! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye may think ye be safe from the clutches of cardiovascular disease if ye be young and sprightly. But alas, a new study hath shown that even those in their prime be at risk, especially if they be diagnosed with that scurvy dog known as type 2 diabetes!
Ahoy! The researchers be sayin' that this be true for both men and women, and for all ye landlubbers of different ages. But beware, ye young buccaneers! The risk be even higher for those under the age of 40! Methinks it be wise to keep an eye on yer health, even if ye be a young whippersnapper.
Arrr, it be a harsh reality, me hearties, but we must face it like true swashbucklers. Type 2 diabetes be a formidable foe, and it be known to bring along its trusty mate, cardiovascular disease. So, if ye be getting diagnosed with this scallywag of a disease, prepare yerself for a battle on two fronts.
Ye may be wonderin' how this study be done. Well, it be done by those clever landlubbers at Medscape Medical News. They be keeping a watchful eye on the health of thousands of scurvy dogs over a span of 10 years. And what they found be no laughing matter, me hearties. The risk of cardiovascular disease be higher for those who be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, no matter their age or gender.
So me mateys, take heed of this warning. If ye be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, be extra cautious about the health of yer heart. Keep a close eye on yer blood sugars, mind yer diet, and make sure ye be takin' proper care of yerself. Aye, it may be a rough sea to sail, but with the right precautions, ye can still be the captain of yer own ship!

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