The Booty Report

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Arrr, can this fancy Serum S100B be of use in aiding the wee scallywags' noggin bump troubles? Aye!


Arr matey! Keepin' an eye on serum S100B levels may lessen the need for them pesky cranial CT scans for wee ones with mild noggin bumps. Follow the clinical decision chart, and ye'll be savin' precious time and resources, me hearties! Aye, 'tis what the Medscape Medical News be sayin'!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have some important news to share from the Medscape Medical News. It be sayin' that keepin' an eye on the serum S100B levels in younglings with mild head trauma can help lessen the need for them pesky cranial CT scans. Aye, followin' a proper clinical decision algorithm can help ye avoid unnecessary scans and reduce their number. So, it be important for all ye swashbucklers in the medical profession to keep this in mind when treatin' wee ones with head injuries.

Instead of subjectin' the little ones to countless CT scans, keep a keen eye on their S100B levels to guide yer treatment decisions. This way, ye can spare the younglings from unnecessary radiation exposure and still provide proper care for their injuries. So, me hearties, remember this important piece of advice and set sail on the path to better care for children with mild head trauma. Arrr!

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