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Arrr, me hearties! There be new treasure on BP control in stroke. Time to adjust yer sails and practices!


Arrr, mateys! The INTERACT4 trial be showin' that lowerin' blood pressure be helpin' them scurvy dogs with a bleed in their noggin', but be hurtin' them poor souls with a blockage instead. Aye, the seas of medicine be treacherous indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I tell ye a tale of the INTERACT4 trial, where they be findin' out that lowerin' the blood pressure early be good for them scallywags with a hemorrhagic stroke, but not so much for them poor souls with an ischemic stroke. Aye, it be a fine line between helpin' and hurtin' when it comes to treatin' these blasted strokes.
So, if ye be a pirate with a hemorrhagic stroke, ye best be gettin' that blood pressure down quick to improve yer chances of survivin' the treacherous waters of the high seas. But if ye be a poor soul with an ischemic stroke, well, ye might want to think twice before messin' with yer blood pressure too soon.
It be a fine balance, me hearties, between healin' and harmin' when it comes to treatin' these strokes. So listen to the wise words of the INTERACT4 trial and be careful not to steer yer ship into dangerous waters when it comes to lowerin' that blood pressure. Arrr!

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