The Booty Report

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Ye landlubbers be warned, tis said that star gazing through a looking glass be a sure path to madness! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, 'tis said that the forgetfulness be thrice as likely to plague those with the shakes! Yarrr, keep an eye on yer memory, lest ye be forgetting where ye buried yer treasure! Aye, the Medscape Medical News be warnin' us all!

Arr matey, 'tis a peculiar find indeed! The scallywags say that those with the shivers be three times more likely to have the foggy brain known as dementia. Aye, 'tis a curious connection between the shaky hands and the forgetful mind. The study followed the lubbers for a long while to see what treasures they might uncover.
Imagine a pirate with a tremor in one hand tryin' to remember where he buried his booty! 'Tis a sad sight indeed. But fear not, me hearties, for knowledge be power. Knowing this connection can help us keep an eye out for signs of dementia in those with the tremors. Aye, we must be vigilant in our watch for the fog rolling in.
So listen up, me mateys, and take heed of this warning. If ye be feelin' the tremors, keep a watchful eye on yer memory. And if ye be seein' signs of forgetfulness, seek out the wise old doctors to help ye navigate these treacherous waters. 'Tis a strange journey we be on, but together we can face whatever comes our way.

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