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Arrr, be ye tellin' me that exercisin' me noggin can make me smarter? Methinks I'll stick to rum for that!


Arrr mateys! Some scallywags be sayin' playin' "brain games" can make ye smarter or keep yer noggin sharp. But be there proof, and do puzzles like crosswords and Sudoku count as well? Aye, we be needin' to dig deeper into this matter!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, some companies be claimin' that playin' them brain games can make ye smarter or keep yer brain sharp as a cutlass. But, be there evidence to back up these bold claims, or be it all just a load o' bilge water? And what about crosswords and Sudoku, do they count as brain games worth playin'?

According to the swabbies over at Medscape Medical News, the evidence be mixed like rum and grog. Some studies suggest that brain games can indeed improve cognition and help prevent cognitive decline, while others say they be no better than swabbin' the decks. As for crosswords and Sudoku, they be considered brain teasers that can exercise yer noggin, but they may not be as effective as some other games.

So, me hearties, the next time ye be thinkin' about playin' some brain games to keep yer wits sharp, remember that the evidence be as murky as the waters of Davy Jones' locker. And as for crosswords and Sudoku, well, they be better than a kick in the pants, but don't expect 'em to turn ye into a genius overnight. Arrr!

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